Sunday, January 21, 2007

Days 17 to 19 (22 February 2007): At Sea, Drake Passage back to Ushuaia

We have been incredibly lucky with the weather on our journey so far, and it seemed appropriate that this would change.

“An Antarctic expedition is the worst way to have the best time of your life” – Aspley Cherry Garrad (‘The Worst Journey in the World’)

The Vavilov was thrown around like a cork for the best part of our return journey crossing the Drake Passage, in huge storm force 11 gales (with 55-60 knot winds) and 7m swell. Amazingly, we were fine, having now got our sea-legs. Ending our experience with a fitting Captains dinner, we thanked our Russian captain for keeping us safe on the return journey.

And a BIG thank you to all the fantastic Peregrine crew!

A Tribute to Sailors From Days Gone By
by Sara Vial
(Translated from Spanish as written on the albatross monument at Cape Horn)

I am the Albatross that waits for you.
At the end of the earth
I am the forgotten soul of the deceased sailor
Who crossed Cape Horn
From all the seas of the world.
But they did not die in the furious waves.
Today they fly in my wings to eternity
In the last trough of the Antarctic winds.